Episode 12 / Everyday Mindfulness: VALUES

Look to your thoughts, for thoughts become words…

That’s the first line of a well-known adage, one that’s delivered inspiration for thousands of years. It’s often attributed to Confucius (Kong Qui, who lived some 2,500 years ago), though perhaps it was Mahatma Gandhi, who cited it often, who amplified it best.

I share it below, yet as you read it, consider this: what is “beneath” those thoughts that shape everything, including destiny?

No surprise, given this episode’s focus: Values.

Values are the underlying, largely invisible, drivers of our thoughts. Foundational to all we perceive, experience, interpret, you name it, values are something of a “home base” for the way our brain shapes our reality. Really, it’s as powerful – and as simple – as that.

And, as this Everyday Mindfulness practice invites, values can be intentional. In fact, we can adopt them – like those t-shirt slogans you heard about as you listened – as mindsets, things we activate in our thoughts (thank you, prefrontal cortex) and enact through skillsets, which ultimately shape what I call “brainsets.” And our brainsets, whether they are intentional or unconscious, create our reality.

As you read this verse, one that guided Gandhi and countless others, activate your powerful, expansive right hemisphere by getting curious about what YOUR values are. Connect with them, maybe even by listening to the Everyday Mindfulness practice again. Our thoughts change our lives, and our connection to all around us. In a way, our thoughts change the world, or at least our world. What are the foundational mindsets that shape YOURS?

Look to your thoughts, for thoughts become words.
Look to your words, for words become actions.
Look to your actions, for actions become habits.
Habits shape character – and character shapes destiny.

“The difference between values and goals is who you want to be in this world versus what you want to do in this world.”

– Christie Inge

Please subscribe to The Brain and Beyond Podcast on your favorite platform and definitely stay tuned here. I’ll always share episode notes and fun stuff that explores the brain… and beyond.

You’ll also find info on our beautiful theme song, used with permission from the artist, below.

Best, Ellen

I hope you enjoy the music I’ve arranged with artist Lucia Lilikoi to share on my podcast.

Here’s her website,
lilikoimusic.com… and you can listen to the full version here, and follow her on Apple Music and Spotify. Her website links to a range listening platforms. Enjoy.


Episode 13: The Power of Curiosity with Mónica Guzmán


Episode 11: Beyond Binary with Nat Stratton-Clarke