Episode 8 / Everyday Mindfulness: COOKING

There’s a recipe for mindfulness…

…and it may start in the kitchen.

“Cooking asks attention, patience, and above all, a respect for the gifts of the earth. It is a form of worship, a way of giving thanks.”

– Judith B. Jones

Please subscribe to The Brain and Beyond Podcast on your favorite platform and definitely stay tuned here. I’ll always share episode notes and fun stuff that explores the brain… and beyond.

You’ll also find info on our beautiful theme song, used with permission from the artist, below.

Best, Ellen

I hope you enjoy the music I’ve arranged with artist Lucia Lilikoi to share on my podcast.

Here’s her website,
lilikoimusic.com… and you can listen to the full version here, and follow her on Apple Music and Spotify. Her website links to a range listening platforms. Enjoy.


Episode 9: Better Together


Episode 7: Balanced Brain Skillsets with Alice Waters