Episode 4 / Everyday Mindfulness: TOUCH
Welcome to the first Everyday Mindfulness practice.
Consider these weekly updates small mindfulness training practices you can use any time, any where you are. You can run these in background when you’re cooking, out walking, taking care of things in your home or in the world, or anywhere / any way else where you can let your mind expand, and wander.
This one’s about the sense of TOUCH … specifically in your fingertips and hands. I hope you enjoy.
To dive deeper into the science of touch, start here: Why Do We All Feel Touch Differently?, via Boston University.
“Touch has a memory.”
—John Keats
Please subscribe to The Brain and Beyond Podcast on your favorite platform and definitely stay tuned here. I’ll always share episode notes and fun stuff that explores the brain… and beyond.
You’ll also find info on our beautiful theme song, used with permission from the artist, below.
Best, Ellen
I hope you enjoy the music I’ve arranged with artist Lucia Lilikoi to share on my podcast.
Here’s her website, lilikoimusic.com… and you can listen to the full version here, and follow her on Apple Music and Spotify. Her website links to a range listening platforms. Enjoy.